Prenatal and Fertility Ultrasounds: Everything You Should Know


During the fertility diagnosis, many tests are prescribed to investigate the causes of your potential infertility. The fertility ultrasound allows us to exclude inconsistent factors or to confirm certain anomalies. 

This is equally valid for pregnant women during high-risk pregnancies thanks to prenatal ultrasounds.

Fertility Ultrasound

The fertility ultrasound consists of introducing a small probe in the woman’s vagina. This technique allows a very precise visualization of the ovaries and the uterus. This test, completely painless, is done with an empty bladder and at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. 

This type of ultrasound allows the fertility specialist to visualize potential anomalies, even the smallest ones. Benign tumours (fibroids) or growth of the endometrium (polyps) are detectable; The size and appearance of the ovaries are also checked.

Pelvic ultrasound

This medical imaging method detects certain abnormalities in the human body that may be the cause of infertility.

For women, the examination provides precise observation of the uterus, ovaries, kidneys and bladder. Several abnormalities can be analyzed:

  • Pelvic pain
  • Vaginal bleeding
  • Deformities of the uterus
  • The presence of cysts

The examination takes place at the beginning of the cycle. The ultrasound is endovaginal, with an introduction of the probe inside the vagina. The process is completely painless.

For men, kidneys, bladder and prostate are examined for abnormalities:

  • The presence of abnormal masses
  • Irregular structures
  • The presence of liquid accumulation

During the process, only a conductive gel is spread on the skin of the abdomen, which facilitates the passage of ultrasound from outside the body.

Ultrasound does not produce any adverse health effects. Repeated examination is therefore safe and risk-free. The results obtained will be able to guide the subsequent fertility diagnosis. 

In order to proceed with a fertility ultrasound, please contact our fertility specialists on the first day of your period. We will be able to make an appointment for you during the first 4 days of your period at the nearest clinic.

Ovulation ultrasound

The purpose of performing an ovulation ultrasound is to plan insemination or sexual intercourse to maximize the chances of pregnancy. It is an endovaginal ultrasound to evaluate the imminence of ovulation. This examination is planned according to the length of the patient’s menstrual cycle and is determined by the physician. Following the ultrasound, an injection of Ovidrel may be prescribed to induce ovulation and plan insemination.

Ultrasound for prenatal diagnosis

Unlike fertility ultrasound, ultrasound for prenatal diagnostic purposes is performed once the patient gets pregnant. It identifies genetic diseases or malformations. This examination does not involve any radiation and does not present any risk to the mother or the fetus’ health.

Dating ultrasound

The very first ultrasound scan during pregnancy checks the presence of the fetus’ different limbs and organs, especially the heart, to ensure its vitality. As its name suggests, this ultrasound also aims to date the pregnancy more accurately than the calculation based on the patient’s cycle. Miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, as well as higher than normal nuchal translucency (generally observed in babies with Down syndrome) are problems that can be detected through this examination.

Nuchal Translucency Ultrasound

The Nuchal translucency test is generally recommended by the physician during the first trimester of pregnancy. It indicates the fetus’ size, age and health, and identifies certain birth defects. It also evaluates the risk of Down syndrome and malformations.  At Procrea Fertility, nuchal translucency ultrasound is available at the Montreal and Gatineau clinics only.

Detailed fetal ultrasound

During this examination, each part of the fetus, as well as the placenta and the uterus are evaluated. During the 2nd and 3rd trimester of pregnancy, it is important to assess the growth of the fetus, monitor its development and determine its orientation. It is also possible to know the sex of the baby during this period. 

These services are available at Procrea Montreal and Gatineau. We invite you to get in touch with our specialists for professional advice regarding the prenatal diagnostics you need.

3D/4D ultrasound

3D/4D ultrasound is now offered by the Procrea Fertility clinic in Gatineau. It allows you to observe the baby’s unique traits in real time with much greater clarity. The 3D ultrasound characterizes the facial features and the 4D ultrasound brings everything in motion! This technique presents no danger for either the mother or the fetus. The best time to capture the images is between the 26th and 30th week of pregnancy.

Ask our team for more information!