Understanding your body to increase your chances of getting pregnant

ovulation tracking

Do you have plans for motherhood? Are you currently in the process of getting pregnant to start your family, but attempts remain unsuccessful? How do you make a baby when you’ve already tried everything? At our Procrea clinics, we know that the question of fertility questions many future parents.

Follow your ovulation cycle

It is important to have intercourse at the time of your ovulation. Indeed, the probability of fertilization is 20 to 30% per cycle, so it is the ideal window to have a child. We can only advise you to have regular intercourse during this period. In addition, there are certain devices that allow you to have a better understanding of your ovulation cycles. So get to know your body better too!

Symptothermy to better understand your body 

This planning method allows you to detect your ovulation, and therefore the ideal times to conceive. For example, it will involve taking your body temperature when you wake up, as well as observing the characteristics of your cervical mucus. It is also an opportunity to get to know your body and its wonderful mechanisms. When your body temperature rises, as well as when mucus appears, it is time for fertility!

Applications to follow your cycle, some examples

  • Period Tracker is a free application with different modes. You can track your menstrual cycles, try Trying to Conceive (TTC) mode or Pregnancy mode. The TTC option predicts your ovulation and fertility days, to determine the best time to conceive a baby.
  • Monthly Cycles is another free app to track your period, temperature and symptoms to know your most fertile days.
  • Eve is a free, scalable app that lets you track your period, temperature, cervical fluids and other symptoms. Eve predicts fertile windows, ovulation and your next cycle.

These applications are examples, there are many on the market. Test them, and continue with the one you feel most comfortable with!

Ovulation tests

However, if the technological side does not appeal to you, do not hesitate to carry out ovulation tests. These are self-diagnostic tests developed for people who want to get pregnant. You can easily find them in pharmacies. This type of test reacts in color to a certain concentration of luteinizing hormone, present in the urine. It therefore indicates the best time to conceive. In order for the ovulation test to be positive, the color band that appears must be bright. If you see a faint line, it means that the result is not reliable and that you should try other tests. If nothing appears, the result is negative.

Know the signs of infertility in order to consult a professional

You notice that after several attempts to get pregnant, each one remains unsuccessful? You’ve been trying to conceive for over a year, but the results are all negative? In this case, it may be necessary to consult a fertility professional. In fact, there are certain signs that may point to the need for a consultation with a fertility professional.

Several miscarriages

On Repeat spontaneous miscarriage” occurs when 3 consecutive miscarriages occur. This may indicate fertility problems. In this case, it is important to book an appointment with the Procrea fertility clinic for a medical check-up.

Null or negative ovulation tests on several occasions

Some people always test negative, even though they monitor their ovulation period very often. This may be because they are not ovulating every cycle, or because their hormone peak is low. The test is therefore not sharp enough to read this low amount of hormone, so it will be necessary to turn to other more precise tests. Finally, it may be a malfunction of the LH level, which should be discussed with your gynecologist or a fertility professional.

No pregnancy after several months of relationship without contraception

While some couples take very little time to make a baby, not everyone is equal in conception. In general, between 7 and 9 months are necessary, so there is no need to worry. However, it is advisable to consult a gynecologist after 6 months of unsuccessful attempts, at least for a check-up. This will allow the couple to be referred for further tests, if necessary. What is certain, however, is that beyond the age of 36-37, it is better to consult quickly, because the biological clock is ticking!

Health problems in the female reproductive system

Certain conditions can be an obstacle to reproduction. For example, polycystic ovaries are a major ovulation disorder, affecting nearly one in five women. This is when the egg never manages to be expelled from the ovary and does not mature. Some drug treatments work very well and in 80% of cases, ovulation can finally occur. Ovarian insufficiency, endometriosis or abnormalities of the uterus, fallopian tubes and/or ovaries can also be detected. A consultation with an endocrinologist specializing in reproductive medicine, or with a fertility specialist, will provide an opportunity to diagnose and treat fertility-related problems.

Certain poorly treated or untreated sexually transmitted diseases (STIs)

Sexually transmitted diseases such as chlamydia, human papillomavirus, gonorrhea and trichomoniasis can affect your fertility. Of course, STDs vary in severity and harmfulness as some are persistent viruses, others are easily curable bacteria. In any case, it is very important to consult a gynecologist regularly, who will give you all the necessary tests.

In conclusion, familiarizing oneself with their body is crucial for individuals and couples hoping to conceive. Tracking ovulation cycles, utilizing symptothermal planning, using apps, and considering ovulation tests are just a few ways to increase the chances of getting pregnant. It is also important to know when to seek the help of a fertility professional and to be aware of potential fertility-related issues such as reproductive system conditions and untreated STIs. By taking proactive steps to understand and care for their bodies, individuals and couples can increase their chances of successful conception and parenthood.